[email protected] (91-1899) 240653, 242270

Personal Hygiene

The house master and house keepers supervise and assist the students in personal hygiene. Students have bath in the evening before going for dinner. Last drill before going to bed is brushing of teeth with medicated T/Paste. Under garments are changed daily in the morning and so is the uniform.


Regular Medical Checkup is done at the school. Service of qualified Doctor is available when required. Medical assistant comes daily, to school. This facility is limited to basic first aid by the school. The treatment after the first aid will be the responsibility of the parents and the expenses will be borne by the parents. If required parents will be intimated for treatment etc. Though every care will be taken to look after the child medically but the school will not be responsible for any lapse, the parents will not put up any claims through any legal or other agency.

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